Y24.io <> CoinMarketCap Exploring the Native Yield Tokens Together

Earn more from LRT safely and maximize yield on chain

Yield 24
2 min readDec 26, 2023

In a pioneering collaboration, CoinMarketCap and Yield24 have united to introduce a revolutionary native yield re-staking concept, designed to optimize yield generation for both stable and volatile coins. This innovative initiative positions CoinMarketCap alongside distinguished platforms like BNB Chain, Ethereum, Arbitrum, Lido Protocol, Maker DAO, and Stader. The primary objective of CoinMarketCap (CMC) is to champion and support groundbreaking concepts within the decentralized finance (DeFi) space.

Transforming The DeFi Ecosystem

The collaboration between CoinMarketCap and Yield24 transcends the conventional notion of a partnership; it signifies a fusion of expertise and innovation that is reshaping the landscape for dormant crypto assets like Ethereum, BNB, and Bitcoin. Positioned alongside the luminaries of the DeFi realm, the CMC area is a testament to the ongoing evolution of cryptocurrency engagement. Anticipate the momentous reveal of CoinMarketCap’s Y24 entry into the World of Crypto — a space where information, community, and innovation converge in the ever-expanding digital frontier. Stay tuned for this exciting intersection in the world of decentralized finance.

About Yield 24

Yield 24, a protocol operating on EVM-compatible chains like BNB, ETH, and Polygon, introduces restaking as a novel cryptoeconomic security primitive on both L1 and L2. This innovation allows the optimisation of assets such as BNB, ETH, BTC, and stable coins at the consensus layer. Users staking their blue-chip tokens directly or through a liquid staking token (LRT) have the option to engage with Y24 smart contracts, enabling them to restake ETH, BNB, BTC, stable coins, or LRT. This extends cryptoeconomic security to various applications on the network, including RWA’s (Real World Assets), securitization, trenches, staking, borrowing/lending, and provides an avenue to earn additional rewards.



Yield 24

Permissionless Liquid Staking Token on BNB Chain share passive income of up to 86% APY.